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百个党史微故事31 | 教师党员雷茜为您推荐《扶贫路上的“答卷人”》
发布时间:2021-04-21     作者:   分享到:









Respondenton the Way to Poverty Alleviation


Todays story is about Feng Qiang, an outstanding respondent on the way to national-wide poverty alleviation. Feng Qiang is now the deputy head of Zhangbei County of Peoples Government of Zhangjiakou City. In August 2017, at the critical moment of national poverty alleviation, Feng Qiang was serving as party secretary and director of the Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Chicheng County.





In his work, Feng Qiang always held the idea of no one less, no one behind, and no one out on the way out of poverty. He dared not to neglect at any time. During the day, he went to the rural areas to carry out on-the-spot investigations; during night, he stayed up to do research. Due to too busy work, his wife often complained that its too difficult to talk to him on the phone. Since every time she called, what she heard was the phone you dialed is busy now. Indeed, his telephone was made to arrange and deploy work, to receive and answer questions, and to supervise and dispatch staffs.... In the whole county, his telephone was named poverty alleviation hotline. This line was really hotfor that the number of the calls was around 200 and the call duration was up to three hours per day. Such busy days lasted for three years.





God blesses the diligent, and hard work never deceives. In December 2019, on behalf of Hebei Province, Chicheng County accepted the national assessment on the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and development of provincial party committees and the assessment of the cooperation between the East and the West, and was successfully leveled good. In 2020, Chicheng County, on behalf of the whole province, again accepted the quality spot inspection after the national poverty alleviation census, and its poverty reduction measures and results were highly recognized by the check team. At that time, a word repeatedly echoes in Feng Qiangs heart: choosing to help the poor is the proudest and the most correct decision in his life.


