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百个党史微故事65 | 教师党员赵佳为您推荐《杨度:几度风雨转变信仰》
发布时间:2021-05-25     作者:   分享到:









Yang Du: Belief Changes in Several Failures


In 1875, Yang Du was born in a remote village in Xiangtan, Hunan Province. He studied hard and determined to be a man of tremendous promise since he was young. In 1895, Yang Du returned to Hunan after failing in the imperial examination. Later, He went to Beijing to take the metropolitan examination, but failed again. During his disconsolate and confused days, he witnessed the Reform Movement of 1898 and was deeply touched. Therefore, he gave up the imperial examination and devoted himself to this movement in order to find a new way to promote the country to grow in strength.




In the process of exploring reform, Yang Du realized the drawbacks of China’s autocratic centralization system and advocated the implementation of constitutional monarchy. In 1905, Yang Du wrote a report for the constitutional investigation group of the Qing Dynasty. According to Yang Du’s constitutional blueprint, the Qing government was ready to appoint him to follow and implement the constitutional monarchy. Since then, Yang Du changed from a scholar to a proper courtier and devoted himself to the implementation of constitutional reform. However, such hope was shattered by the 1911 Revolution. In 1912, Yuan Shikai was elected president of the Republic of China, and he appointed Yang Du as consultant of the Senate. In 1916,  Hong Xian monarchy was overthrown. Yang Du was wanted for being regarded as the culprit of autocratic monarchy. To seek safety, he moved to Tianjin concession. One year later, the DingSi Restoration plotted by zhang Xun failed again. These successive failures eventually made Yang Du give up his belief of saving the country through constitutional monarchy.



Just when he was depressed, the May 4th Movement broke out in 1919. Yang Du then joined Sun Yat Sen’s democratic revolution and met Li Dazhao, the leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Gradually, he got a deeper understanding of communism. On April 12, 1927, Chiang Kai-shek started a counter-revolutionary coup and a large number of revolutionaries were massacred. Such tragedy greatly astonished Yang Du. On the one hand, he was shocked by the atrocity of the Kuomintang reactionaries. On the other hand, he was moved by the noble spirit of the revolutionaries, so he decided to devote all his efforts to the cause of the CPC. Through introduction and approval, Yang Du joined the CPC in the autumn of 1929 and became a crypto-communist.


