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百个党史微故事71 | 教师党员瞿慧为您推荐《有一种守望,叫等待》
发布时间:2021-05-31     作者:   分享到:








A Love Called Waiting


No one remembers how many times and for how many years the grey-haired lady has been looking out at the end of the road to the village, but every villager knows what she is looking forward to.



The old lady was once young, beautiful and happy. At the age of 19, she got married from Xiashanba Village to a guy in Shangshanba Village. In September 1931, Mao Zedong and Zhu De commanded the army and the local people in the Soviet Area to smash the third encirclement and suppression by the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek, which consolidated the Central Soviet Area in Ruijin. The local people were eagerly enrolled in the Red Army one after another, and her husband also became one soldier in the revolution. Three years later, in October 1934, with the Central Red Army’s marching westward, her husband began the Long March.



It is full of bitterness to farewell to the Red Army, for none of this couple know when they would meet again after this parting. The village lady loved to sing folk songs, but day after day, her sweet voice gradually became low, as low as her husband’s promise of “waiting for me to come back”. The fight was continuing, and casualties never decreased. For a couple of days, there was no trace. For a half of month, there was no news. Deep in her heart, she was suffering and waiting. The Red Army had left, but the White Army came. As a family member of the Red Army, when she was beaten with wounds and scars all over her body, she was still waiting for her husband; when the comrades and playmates in the same village came back after victory and liberation, no news was brought back about her husband, but she was still waiting for him; when the party organization sent a message that her husband had sacrificed on the Long March, she was still waiting for him.



She stubbornly believed that her Red Army husband was still alive, and would come home someday to be with her. For fear that he might not find his way home, the lady spared no single day looking out at the intersection where her husband had bidden farewell to her. She was still waiting from young to old, until she wore out her eyes and became blind. As soon as she heard that there were guests coming to the village, she would come closer to call out her husband’s name, express her long-term missing, and repeat her requests again and again.



    From a young girl to an old lady, she was not merely waiting, but also complaining, blaming, thinking about the shape and size of the man’s stupid feet, weaving straw sandals, and waiting for him to come back and try them on.



Year after year, she was waiting and every year she would weave a pair of new straw sandals for her husband. Finally, she couldn’t wait on.



       When the old lady died, people counted her belongings which piled up in the corner of her room—a total of 75 pairs of straw sandals! The old lady’s name is Chen Fagu and her husband, Zhu Jixun, was a soldier of the Red Army.



       There is a kind of original belief called waiting; there is a kind of waiting called “forever”; and there is a kind of “forever” which means “one’s life time”.


